
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bump Day 33 weeks

As I'm writing this, I'm currently waiting on a phone call from my OBGYN.  I met another new doctor today and I actually hope to goodness that she delivers me.  She was awesome.  She answered all my questions and totally didn't judge me for feeling frustrated with the blood sugar numbers I keep getting.

On the downside, I have officially been put on the high risk pregnancy board thanks to the yo-yoing numbers and am now having all 7 doctors try to figure out a course of action for me.  Scary but good, I guess.  No one wants to be on the high risk pregnancy board, but at least that means that all 7 doctors there know about me and know what I'm dealing with.  7 brains are better than 1, right?!  And my new doctor warned me that I needed to start wrapping my head around having a c-section if necessary.  She said I might as well start to be okay with it now and then find out I don't have to have one, instead of being incredibly disappointed in the next couple of weeks.  Although very honest and true, it was hard for me to hear since I desperately want a vaginal delivery.  But after a few tears and deep breaths I thanked her for her candor and even came up with a few questions to ask regarding delivery.
photo from

On the upside, I lost two pounds this past week... without trying, honestly.  I ate more protein, a few carbs, and even splurged on two days because David and I were celebrating Valentine's Day early (since he has to work on the actual day).  I measured only a week ahead this appointment and just to make sure, she measured me twice!  Hopefully little peanut has slowed down her growing and is going to surprise everyone at the ultrasound in 3 weeks with her size being right on target.  (fingers crossed)  Her heart rate was 139 which was really good and my blood pressure was normal as well.  Even with all the crappiness going on, I am trying to focus on the few and far between happy news that I get.
photo from

Starting next week I'll be receiving NST or (non-stress-tests) on the baby every week for the rest of my pregnancy.  I'm kinda excited about it since I'll get to monitor with the doctors how she's doing for more than the 1-2 minutes I get to hear her heartbeat at every appointment.  It seems fairly easy and straight forward but could mean David and I being there for  30 minutes or more if she's not active at that time.  Hopefully she'll cooperate and we'll be outta there in no time with a bunch of good news.
photo from

This week, according to, our baby girl weighs a little over 4 pounds.  About the weight of a pineapple.  She's also passed the 17 inch mark in length!  With the baby fat piling on, she's rapidly losing that wrinkled/skeletal appearance and is starting to look more and more like a plump little newborn.  I can tell that space is becoming more and more scarce for the little girl as most of her movements are touching the outside of my belly.
photo from

I should start to expect some waddling now as the baby girl grows bigger and bigger.  I haven't personally noticed too much waddling, but maybe I'm just fooling myself. does talk about how finding a comfortable position to sit- let alone sleep in- is becoming more and more difficult.  I can totally echo that!  And unfortunately, the round ligament pain has now spread to both groins so walking everyday for exercise isn't an option anymore.  Which my doctor okayed today.  She said if it gets to the point where it's more painful for you than enjoyable, then it's time to stop.  (Insert huge sigh of relief)  I am still doing upper body work outs most days for 15-20 minutes and that seems to help.  I bought a "birthing ball" to help with labor and have been using it to work on my upper body and core muscles.  Or what's left of my core muscles.  I have felt and seen a difference though so I highly recommend it!

The recommended activity to prepare for baby's arrival this week is washing all of the clothes and bedding!  And Grammy Weber sent us the bedding yesterday for us to complete that task.  They look great and after we wash them, I can't wait to put them on the crib!  It'll just complete the room, I just know it!  In the meantime, we're trying to wash everything else too.  Like the baby carriers, towels, blankets, stuffed animals, and anything else you wouldn't think of but realize all of it has to be taken out of it's pretty packaging and washed.  Our hallway to the laundry room looks like a mini hurricane came through it.  But I'm assuming that won't be too different from what our whole house will look like after the baby is here and making messes everyday.

I can't wait for her to get here!  Until next week!

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