
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bump Day- 22 weeks

So I don't have much to report.  I am feeling baby girl karate chop more and more now.  In fact, this past Monday, I got woken up at 6 AM from little jabs and right hooks to my belly.  Even though I was tired, I loved every second of the punches because it lets me know everything is ok in there.

Let's see, the only symptom I have had is a purely random crying meltdown the other day.  I just cried for about an hour straight and was really sad for an hour before the tears came flooding in.  You may ask why.  Well, I can't tell you.  No really, I have no idea why I was sad and why I started crying.  Poor David just looked helpless and kept asking me what was wrong.  Finally he asked if it was hormones and I managed to choke out in between sobs, "I guess so."  Looking back on it, I still chuckle.  I haven't had too many emotional rollercosters, but I guess when it rains, it POURS!
photo from 

This week, our little girl is supposed to be around 11 inches long.  About the size of a spaghetti squash. She'll weigh close to a pound.  Which is probably under what she actually weighs but that's ok.  We grow 'em big in the South!  Don't know where that came from.  Anyway, her eyes are fully formed, but her irises still lack pigment.  She's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath her gums!
photo from

David has finally appreciated the inevitable labor process due to this lovely diagram in the doctor's office.  Every time we go in there, he always points it out and turns to me and says something like, "WOW."  Yeah... that's right, I have to go from the size of a pea to the size of a softball.  Let's see any man do that and not beg for mercy!  Obviously I am not looking forward to it, but she's got to come out somehow, right?!  At least with this new found appreciation, I'll be able to easily get a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on through the labor.

All in all, things are looking good and we're counting down the days until we see our baby girl again on the ultrasound on Dec. 11th!

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