
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday Temptations

Now that Thanksgiving is over, and our crazy schedule will calm down for a few weeks.  (Only a few  week because then we have Christmas!)  We can finally try to make our meals at home and be at home more.  With all the Black Friday shopping, turkey cooking, and gender revealing going on, we've barely been home when David's off.  Here is our menu for the week and hopefully we can stick to it this time!

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Believe it or not, we just cooked our turkey a few days ago.  Yes, I know I'm going against tradition, but we enjoyed a ham on Thanksgiving and a turkey on the Tuesday after.  So, with all this extra meat on hand, we're trying to use up most of it in unique ways so we don't get tired of turkey so quickly.  That being said, today we are going to make Turkey Pot Pie from Pioneer Woman.  Not only does it give us another idea for using up 2 cups of leftover turkey, it looks divine.  I just hope it's going to be fairly easy.  If not, David will be here tonight so he can help me if I need to get off my feet for a few minutes.

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As a highly recommended recipe from my friend, I am going to try Pioneer Woman's Italian Meatball Soup.  This will give us a little break from turkey and will be a great way to get in some veggies.  I love that even though it's going to be a lot of chopping and prepping, the actual cooking is all in one big pot.  AND it makes 8 servings!  Crazy, right?!  I don't know about you, but that sounds like a great freezer soup to me!

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As a quick but tasty send off before David heads to work, I'll be fixing one of his favorites.  Fettuccine Alfredo is sinfully decadent and filling.  I've never tried Pioneer Woman's version, but it is very similar to the homemade version we have always made.  So I decided to try something a little different.  If it tastes as good as the picture looks, I think we'll be in fine shape!

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If you couldn't see a trend for this week, you should after today.  We'll be making another of Pioneer Woman's recipes today.  Her Sloppy Joes are just the think for a manwich.  I need something fast and hungry man friendly for the small amount of time we have between church and David's work.

As if we didn't have enough to choose from, we'll be eating leftovers today.  So many options!

To give me one day of being out of the kitchen, David is going to bring home some tilapia from work.  I'll make a salad on the side and probably bake a potato or two.  A simple and light meal.

Today we'll be making more room in our freezer by using up our Bubba Burgers.  If you haven't tried these burgers from the freezer section you are totally missing out.  Not only are they so super easy, they are actually tasty.  We'll eat these with sweet potato fries and green beans on the side.  After a week of new recipes and cooking a lot, it's great to have easy, no thought staples to go to.


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