As of today, our peanut is 15 weeks old. It is about 4 inches long and weighs around 2 1/2 ounces. They say it's about the size of an apple. The baby is practicing breathing now and is developing the air sacs in its lungs. And even though its eyelids are still fused shut, the baby can react to light. As far as I know, things are still looking good. I am having our next doctors appointment on Tuesday and I can't wait to hear the a-okay from the doctor. Not to mention seeing the little guy/girl move and dance on the ultrasound screen.
Our lil apple! |
As of right now, my first trimester symptoms are gone. As are all the side effects from that nasty pill. So praise the Lord! I do have a stuffy nose all the time which is unrelated to allergies or the seasons changing (I'm in FL here people... it's still 85-90 degrees outside). Nope, I'm developing what they call rhinitis of pregnancy. Thanks to the combined effect of hormonal changes and excess blood flow, my sinuses are swollen and make me feel congested. Like I was warned my some pregnancy books and blogs, I have had one minor nosebleed from all this congestion. But it wasn't that severe so I'm trying to not irritate my sinuses by blowing my nose too hard or too frequently.
Yay for feeling sick! |
I can definitely feel my ligaments and muscles stretching. I am not tender to the touch but a little sore on the sides of my stomach and around my upper pelvic area. Occasionally, I will feel a little cramping which I don't worry about too much since I know it's my uterus expanding to make room for the ever-growing baby. I can't wait until next week when I get to see the little one again.
Also, everyone check out our poll on the home page. We are doing a poll to see if we are going to be having a boy or girl. So, go ahead and guess whichever you think. We will be finding out soon, and then the reveal will be a little while after. Vote now!
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