
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Saturday Six- a little late

Sorry about being a little late this Saturday.  But I figure better late than never.  This week we really tried to get back on track.  Then life happened and basically that struggle proved useless as I was informed by my OBGYN that I had a UTI and was put on a horrid antibiotic for it.  More on that later.  Here's our Saturday Six!

1.  Spooky Nails
I recently received Julep's October Maven Box in the mail.  I haven't tried the colors yet, but I am definitely going to use it for halloween.  I got the bombshell box with a black crackle color and a dark red cream.  In accordance with the Halloween theme, there was even candy corn in the box.  There were also glitter pots that I can use to top a wet nail and then put a clear topcoat over it to add a different effect.  The coolest part about this box was the quick-dry drops.  After your last coat, you wait a few minutes, then apply one to two drops on your nails and a minute later they are dry and ready for action.  It's awesome.  I really love Julep's 4 free nail polishes but it really did take them forever to set and would take almost an hour to apply all the coats.  Then I just prayed that they were dry enough to actually do anything.  These drops solve that problem completely.  I really love them.  Now if only Julep made their metallic polishes dry as fast as their creams (even with the drops)... then we would really be in business!

2.  Antibiotic helps or hurts?
So as I mentioned earlier, I am being treated for a UTI.  I wouldn't normally broadcast this to the world, but I want other pregnant women taking this med to not feel alone.  I am on the generic version of Macrobid.  And while I am hoping it takes out the UTI, I can't wait until my last pill is in and out of my system!  Not only am I more nauseous than I was during my entire first trimester, I have headaches, and am exhausted two hours or so after taking the pill.  This entire week has been very rough.  Needless to say I am so looking forward to never, EVER taking this pill again.

Devil pills!!!

3.  Fall into TV
I am thrilled that Fall is here as so are most of my favorite shows from last season!  Oldies but goodies:  Grey's Anatomy, Castle, and Bones are kicking it old school.  And they still have their magic touch.  Grey's makes me bawl like a baby and Bones keeps me in suspense.  Castle still makes me laugh over murder scenes.  Last season's favorites of New Girl, Once Upon A Time, and Scandal are still amazing me too.  I love having too much to watch on Hulu!  It definitely beats the summer where I bought DVDs of past seasons of shows I never watched just so we would have something to zone out to.  But there are some new shows that I am liking this season too!  Go On, Animal Practice, and Revolution are all intriguing.  Here is to Fall's new episodes and characters to live vicariously through!

photo from

photo from

4. Cute dog photos of the week!
Lexi loved getting all huddled and covered while I was trying to make the bed one day.  She was too cute to move, so I waited until later that day to make the bed.  Here is Cooper curled up on my blanket in the living room at my feet.  David would say he's a "mommy's boy."  I say that he just likes a woman's touch :).  Either way, he's stinkin' cute!

Snug as a Lexi in a rug

Such a Mamma's boy...too cute!

5.  My Pregnancy Chair:
Have I told you that my hubby is amazing?  Well, he is.  And just to prove it to you, I'll show you just why he's amazing this week!  I love our couches.  They are soft, cushy, and big.  But for someone who is just starting to understand how much her body is changing thanks to the peanut inside her, they are a pain in the rear to get up from.  Also, I am now supposed to prop my legs up whenever possible to help with blood flow.  (Or something like that :) hehe)  So, long story, I asked David to become a wizard and figure out how to get our recliner out of the baby's room and into the living room for me to try and see if it helps my momma issues.  He jumped at the opportunity to help me feel better (especially after all the pill issues) and delivered our chair to the living room in no time.  Here's my lovely set up courtesy of David, the most amazing husband ever!

All the pregnancy essentials...tissues, TUMS, peanut butter, and xbox controller, hehe.

6.  Blu-ray's Silent Rebellion:
While Jess and Tim were in town, we bought our first blu-ray player from Target so that David could buy the special edition of The Avengers with all the bonus features.  That same day as they tried to hook it up the picture worked great, but no sound came from the disc.  So, the guys went back to Target to get a sound cord, even though the HDMI cable should have worked by itself and they were told to go to radio shack to the a specific cord.  So I get a call from David asking me to take a picture of the back of the TV and the Samsung blu-ray player because the radio shack guy is telling David that the HDMI cable should work.  While trying to arch my back in an ungodly way to snap a picture I decided to try and make sure that for whatever reason the disc did work.  So I pressed play and after a long silent production credit or two, the sound was loud and clear when it got to the movie.  So I called David and Tim back and told them that everything was a-okay.  Flash forward a week later to Katie trying to watch The Avengers as background for a long day of folding laundry, when low and behold, it doesn't play sound.  At all.  I unplugged, replugged, switched connections and even tried different discs in player and NOTHING.  So... we took it back to Target and got a Sony blu-ray and it works perfectly.  It doesn't have as pretty of a main menu screen as the Samsung, but I don't care.  It worked.  It worked the first time we tried it.  No finagling.  No hassle.  Just awesome picture quality.  Moral of the story, if it doesn't work the first time you try it.  Take it back and get something else.  Don't try to make it work.  It should work... period.

Have a great week everyone!

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