
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bump Day Weeks 26-28 Recap

So I thought it would be a good idea to recap everyone on what happened to our little family over the holidays.  Yes, we had family over and we ate obscene amounts of sweet food but I also got really sick.   And while that isn't something most people want to remember, I do.  I want to look back at all my baby blogs and go "remember that?" or "oh that's when I started to have x symptom".  Trust me, if you haven't been pregnant and you aren't now, you will develop pregnancy brain.  It's inevitable.  And with that comes forgetting everything.  And this experience is something I don't want to forget.  Even the worst times are times I want to really remember.  So here it is:  Here's our 26-28 recap!
Week 26~  We were really starting to prepare for everyone to visit and my Mom came over a couple days early to help cook, clean, and give some moral support.  As much as David and I love our families, having everyone over for a few days was a little stressful.  We celebrated David's 30th birthday! (YAY!) And thoroughly enjoyed making some holiday treats.  I continued my 12 days of Christmas as well and I think I will do it again next year too.  David really racked up this year and got so many things he not only liked but really needed too.

His parents came the night before his birthday so we could all celebrate on his big day and we went to Woody's in Orange City.  We also went to a baby consignment shop and my mother bought us a few things like the bouncer and rock-n-play.  We also scored a $2.50 play mat for the baby girl and were really happy with everything.  David's family gave him a flash and flash cover to go with our new camera which made the day perfect for him.
Week 27~  The day before Christmas we headed over to Joann's Fabrics and picked out our baby bedding for Grammy Weber to sew for us.  Yes, I had an emotional, hormonal episode in the middle of the store.  Yes, I was thoroughly embarrassed.  And yes, I never EVER want to cry like that again.  But I got over it and David helped me dry my tears.  Grammy started cutting, washing, and sewing immediately when we got home and even managed to get our bed skirt made before the night was over.  It looks great, don't you think?!

With Christmas around the corner, we all pitched in a made a wonderful assortment of foods to munch on throughout the big day.  My Dad came to join the family gathering on Christmas and we all got to open presents together.  It was a lot of fun and even the dogs enjoyed their gifts.  Here are a few shots we took of the gift giving.

By far, the biggest hit of the day was an adorable baby shirt from the Weber's that made everyone hoot and holler.  Especially since we've been calling our little girl the "lil peanut" from almost day one.  This shirt inspired a family picture that I can't wait to post into my baby book!

The Weber's left the day after Christmas but my family stayed for a few extra days.  Dad helped David out around the house and Mom and I tackled the kitchen and cleaning.  David and Dad finally hung our hammock in the backyard and even thought the post didn't support two people as we quickly found out, it did support a man and his best friend! :)  David and Dad also got one of our main to-do lists items checked off.  They painted our bathroom!  And it looks amazing!  A whole lot better than before!  The walls no longer look like someone slung poop all over the bathroom and now it's a clean, crisp light gray color!  I love it!!

Unfortunately, the parents had to depart at some point and for one day, we had a quiet household...

Week 28~  The next day my good friends Josh and Lindsay came into town.  We all went to eat at Logan's to visit David and enjoy a good meal.  It was really nice seeing them again and I loved having them visit.  And Lindsay and Josh gave the baby the best gift!  A UGA Mickey Mouse!  That's right, a UGA Mickey Mouse!  I can already see our little girl toting it around the house!  It was too cute!  Unfortunately, this is the same day the cough started.
On New Years we were supposed to go with Josh and Lindsay to the Bowl game in Orlando where UGA was going to beat up on those silly Nebraska kids.  (And we did- haha) But instead, David brought me to a minute clinic to get examined.  While I was not running a fever, the coughing had gotten out of control.  And the minute clinic totally didn't do anything.  They said I had the flu (wrong!).  And even though I knew I didn't have the flu, I went home and hydrated.  David and I watched the game and moped around.
The next day, I went to a real doctor.  After a nebulizer treatment and some prescriptions were sent off, I was diagnosed with viral bronchitis.  I called my mother and she came back to not only take care of me while David had to work an exceptionally long week but to also take care of my house.  I am forever grateful!  After a few days of me not getting better, but not getting worse, we decided to go back to the doctor.  I hadn't had more than 9 hours of sleep in the last three days combined and felt that I wasn't able to give my body a chance to recover.  So, a steroid shot, nebulizer treatment, and some steroid pills later, I was sent to an x-ray place to make sure I hadn't developed pneumonia.  And luckily, I hadn't.  Thank goodness for the antibiotics that I had been on.
After two days of being on steroids, antibiotics, and an inhaler, I started to feel a little better.  I also had my next OBGYN appointment where I was scheduled to take my lovely 1 hour glucose test.  Even though my OB and General Practitioner doctors had talked before putting me on steroids, David and I decided to bring all on my meds to the OB to have them put it in my chart.  I met with the doctor, gave her all of my drugs, and had the glucose test.
A day later I found out I failed.  So, we scheduled the next 3 hour long test on Friday.  I was still going to be on my meds, but hoped that I would be better by then.  And I was feeling better.  By Friday, the coughing had subsided and I started to finally feel better.  Of course, I had to fast the night before and have them take four vials of my blood, so that wasn't exactly fun, but I survived.  After a long weekend and instead of a cough, I developed a severe earache and sore throat, I decided to visit my general practitioner again.  Yup, they totally know my name there now.  Anyway, she thinks that the virus was trying to hide in my sinus and ear canals so she prescribed a nasal steroid spray to clear it out.  While talking with her about my oh-so-lovely week, I told her that I was hoping to hear back today about my 3 hour glucose test and really hoping that I passed.  She cringed and said, "Well, I'm not your OB, but I would have waited until you were off steroids for a week before I would have tested you."  Oh, great! I thought. And sure enough, 30 minutes after I left the doctor's office and went to fulfill another prescription the OB called with the news:  I FAILED.  And I cried.
After much processing and tears, David took over as protector and chief of the family and called the OB back.  He explained that we had just heard from our GP doctor that steriods could effect blood sugar and wanted to know why the OB's allowed me to take the test while on steroids.  Well, the OB nurse had to talk to someone who talked to someone else and finally they got back to us with "Yes, they can severely effect your blood sugar so we should schedule her for another test."
After a day of discussion, we decided that I needed to get better once and for all (which still hasn't really happened) and I needed to stay on my nasal steroid to clear this virus out.  When we informed the OB that I would have to wait to retest until the steroid was out of my system (in 3 weeks) she talked with the doctor and he said that a nasal steroid wouldn't affect the test.  So, we scheduled another lovely 3 hour test.  This test I took yesterday.  And I'm currently waiting for the results.  Needless to say, it's been a rough couple of weeks.  Wish me luck everyone, I'm going to need it! :)

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