
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bump Day- 29 weeks!

Happy Bump Day everyone!  I know it's been a while since I've blogged, but I have had a rough couple weeks.  From both sets of in-laws visiting to being very sick I am over the holidays and ready to get back into the swing of things.

Until bump comes, which is (mini scream here) only 11 weeks away, I'll be only really blogging about her or our menu.  It's getting harder and harder to do things and while you would think that blogging isn't that hard, it seems more like another task to complete lately.  So I'll still update you guys on the baby and our bump activities, but don't know how much time I'll have on top of that.

As I just said, things are getting harder.  Now that I'm officially in the third trimester I can see how the next few months are going to be rough.  No one is kidding when they tell you it'll be a task to tie your shoes, let alone shave your legs!  What they don't tell you is it's hard to do anything.  And I mean ANYTHING!  Even sitting for too long is uncomfortable at times.  That's right... sitting.  The latest issues I've had are transferring washed clothes to the dryer and vacuuming.  Now I have to sit on our laundry room floor to move clothes from one place to another.  And I can only vacuum two rooms at a time without getting winded.  It's sad, I know.

Baby girl is still moving consistently and at 30 weeks, we'll have another doctor's appointment where I'm sure they'll start asking me to count her kicks.  She has continuously gotten hiccups almost twice a day and I think they are starting to annoy her.  She'll sit there with them for a while and then after a few minutes she'll move a lot as if she's saying, "ENOUGH!"  I can visibly see her move and kick my stomach now which is cool and kinda weird at the same time.
photo from
As far as foods go, I am eating as many fruits and veggies as my body can hold.  I really want her to like veggies (especially since her Daddy isn't a huge fan) and I've read that the more I eat now, the more she can taste.  Of course she doesn't do flips for broccoli or anything, but give this girl a milkshake or Logan's Roadhouse wings and she's jumping for joy.  Literally!  I don't have too many food aversions lately which is nice, but I still have a heightened sense of smell that let's me know I don't want to eat or go within ten feet of expired or foul smelling foods.
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Because the little peanut is growing so rapidly, my body is constantly needing extra nutrients to keep up.  I'm supposed to fortify my diet with lots of vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, and protein.  While I was sick it was hard to get the calcium in because it messed with my respiratory infection but now that I'm past that, I try to get in at least one full glass of milk and a yogurt everyday.  Apparently the little girl is leeching 250 mg of calcium each day to harden her bones so I have to keep up with that demand or she'll start stealing the goods from my bones.
photo from
This week the baby is the size of a butternut squash, weighing in at over 2 1/2 pounds.  I wish I could have an ultrasound every week to really get a size estimate of what she weighs now.  She is supposed to be a little over 15 inches long from head to heal.  And her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature too.  Her head is getting bigger to make room for her developing brain.
photo from
Lovely Mr. Heartburn has comeback with vengeance and he's easily winning the battles every night.  I'm sleeping propped up and taking a Tums before I lie down and neither really helps.  It's not too bad as long as I don't eat a huge dinner.  But with peanut requesting more and more foods, being mindful about how much I eat when I do eat is getting a little tougher.

Hopefully soon I'll be recapping the past couple weeks and how being sick and pregnant at the same time stinks!  Until then, bye bye baby!

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