
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bump Day- 25 weeks!

Happy Hump Day!  Not much has changed from last week.  Our little peanut is still active and loves to punch and kick throughout the day.  This week though she actually woke me up with all of her movements.  She still seems to be hanging out in the lower part of my abdomen.  I keep telling her to move up a little so she would have more room, but she's stubborn and likes being where she is.
photo from says she is supposed to weigh around a pound and a half.  But since she was past that point last week, I'm assuming she's closer to two pounds now.  They also say she should be around 13 1/2 inches in length.  Again, she could be longer.  She is supposed to be putting on some baby fat now and she'll start to look more like a newborn than just a skinny skeleton with skin.
Her hair is coming in nicely and if we could see her, we could tell the color and texture of her hair by now.  Who knows what our little girl is going to look like since my birth mother had blonde hair, birth father had curly dark brown hair, and David actually went through red, blonde, and brunette throughout his youth.  It's anyone's guess as to how our little munchkin will look.
photo from

Along with her hair, mine is supposed to be thick and lustrous.  But the truth is that mine hair has gotten limp and more coarse over my pregnancy.  I was really, really hoping I would be lucky and my hair would revert to being straight and shiny like when I was a child.  But so far, no such luck.  I am having more and more trouble styling my hair now since I don't know what it's doing.  Good thing I don't have a lot of nice places to visit often.

David and I successfully assembled our crib for the baby's room.  Even though it got lost in the mail and took forever to get here, it looks amazing in our little room.  Now all we need are sheets and bedding.  But I know of a wonderful seamstress in the family who has offered to help us make the perfect kind.

Pregnancy brain has officially taken over most days.  I will literally walk into a room to grab something or be in the middle of doing something and then completely forget what I was doing or getting.  It's very frustrating.  I have always been a little absent-minded, but this is borderline crazy!  Instead of making lists because I love lists and they make me feel organized, I have to use them now.  If I don't write down what I need or want exactly when it hits me, I will forget it 5 minutes later.
photo from
Also, I have been banned from using knives according to my husband.  For those of you that don't know, I sliced my finger a couple years ago (down to the bone) with a butter knife.  Yes... a butter knife.  The other day I was slicing a cantaloupe and the knife got stuck so while I was pulling it out to retrieve it, the dull side of the blade sliced my pinky finger.  Apparently, I can't be around dull knives in any form.  Give me something sharp on both ends and we're fine.  Makes no sense, I know!

My heartburn is slowly starting to rear it's ugly head again and I just have to remember to eat small meals more often.  It definitely makes me feel like I'm being a pig since I'm always putting food in my mouth.  Sometimes, it's hard to finish an apple without feeling too full, so it's a learning curve again.  I guess my uterus really is getting huge and putting a lot of pressure on my other organs.  That and hormones make heartburn so fun!  Gotta love the Tums!

Speaking of hormones, I have only had a few moments of being super emotional this past week.  I was watching Say Yes to the Dress and shed a few after a really nice girl found her perfect dress.  Sometimes it's a commercial, sometimes it is the basic frustration that I can't do x, but most of the time I have a decent cry at anything that would make you go "Awwwww... that was so sweet!"  So I guess it's good that I'm a blubbering mess over happy things, right?  Up until now I really thought that the whole emotional roller coaster was more of a myth than reality.  Yeah... that bit my in the butt pretty hard, now didn't it.

Other than those symptoms that have been slowly showing up over time, I am still feeling pretty good.  I am getting enough sleep most days but sometimes I have to take a nap.  And my hunger is about normal for a pregnant person who is eating for 1 and a quarter people.

Until next week!

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