
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bump Day 32 weeks!

So I've survived 8 months of pregnancy... whew!  Only a few more to go!
photo from
I had my OBGYN appointment yesterday and it definitely went better than expected.  I have been eating like a mouse, exercising everyday, and scheduling everything that I put in my mouth and still had a hard time consistently keeping my numbers under control.  It turns out, my doctor figured that was going to be the case.  (Wish someone would have told me before I started to freak out)  Anyway, after showing the doctor my meal plan, blood sugar diary, and my glucose testing kit we talked about what I could change and she went ahead and put me on meds.
She calmed my fears a little as far as me feeling like a failure and told me that my placenta was the only reason I was having such a hard time.  All of the other factors that come along with Gestational Diabetes were not there.  My weight was good, my blood pressure was excellent, and the baby's heartbeat was nice and steady.  She thinks by the time I got tested that my placenta was already making too many insulin blockers and the fact that I was sick didn't help.  So as of right now I'm on Glyburide once a day.  She said that I will probably have to up the dosage to twice a day eventually but for right now she hopes that can help me keep my numbers where they want them.
I think it works for the most part, although I still need to tweak when I take it.  My fasting number was still above 90 but all my other numbers were below 120.  She said it might be a trial and error game as they figure out what will work best for me.  And the nice part about it is that I am not as stressed out as I was when I take my sugars now.  Although I have to be more vigilant about eating on a schedule thanks to the side effect of low blood sugar.  My doc didn't think I could actually have a problem with low blood sugar, but as one of my numbers told me today, I can actually drop fast.  So making sure I have something to eat every 3 hours is critical.  I was 15 minutes late for my snack yesterday and I easily experienced what I thought was low blood sugar with shaking and sweating and shortness of breath.  Good thing I was in Motherhood Maternity when it happened and was able to grab a Belly Bar to snack on.
photo from
The baby is measuring two weeks ahead again and this prompted a stress test scheduled for 34 weeks.  So not next week but the week after I'll be starting weekly NST's to monitor the baby and make sure she's getting enough oxygen and has a strong heartbeat.  I am hoping she'll ace these tests because she's always so active anyway.
photo from

I still have my next ultrasound scheduled for 36 weeks and after that point, they will talk about when to (if they have to) induce me.  They said that they will most likely induce me before I hit the big 40th week, but that'll depend on the stress tests and the ultrasound.  So even thought I still have technically 8 weeks to go until my due date, I am most likely not going to make it that long.
Speaking of the big day, we've been working a little more on our hospital bag.  As I said earlier I went to Motherhood Maternity for their nursing sale and got 4 bras.  I was advised to have two non-underwire nursing bras for after delivery and two nicer bras for out in public.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to forget what "public" is for a while after the little girl is here.
Each week I get more and more excited to hear about any milestones she's hit and things that she can now do.  This week she has toenails, fingernails, and actual hair!  She also weighs 3.75 pounds:  About the size of a large jicama (whatever that is).   And she's gaining almost a half pound a week.
Apparently this is a jicama.... photo from

As far as symptoms go, the groin pain is still there and when I talked to my doctor about it, she said for me to try a belly band.  If that doesn't work then we might have to address what I'm able to do as far as exercise and housework is concerned.  Basically a modified bed rest.  She doesn't want me to be in too much pain as that can not only raise my blood sugar but can further damage my ligaments and nerves there too.  So I am going to buy a belly band soon and hope that helps.  Also, I am now having a little more heartburn than I have been.  It's not too bad now but I hope it doesn't get worse.  And the little girl still likes to kick or wedge herself under my ribs from time to time which makes sitting sometimes painful.  But other than that, it's fun to watch her wiggle and move my entire belly.
photo from
Until next week!

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