
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bump Update 31 weeks

So I know this is not hump day.  But I really wanted to get accustomed to monitoring my blood sugar before I sat down to write this lovely post.
Listen up people... Gestational Diabetes sucks.  Plain and simple.  Will I survive the next couple of months, probably.  But this is supposed to be the final push before I have another human to worry about.  I am supposed to be able to enjoy the few weeks I have left and instead I'm pricking my finger at least 4 times a day, worrying about anything and everything that I put into my mouth including prenatal vitamins, and having all the wonderful third trimester symptoms dropping on me one by one.
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If anyone says pregnancy is easy or fun I might just go all pregnant Hulk on their butts!  I mean it's not easy at all.  Between the diabetes and the third trimester grumpiness, I am more irritable than I have been in my entire pregnancy combined.  I snap at David for NOTHING more often than I like to admit and then feel so guilty about it I want to cry.  My hormones have gone into overdrive now and I can be super happy one minute and utterly depressed the next.  And speaking of hormones, they are contributing to the lovely blood sugar roller coaster I have been on.  I am trying with diet and exercise to get my numbers under control.  And for the most part I am barely over or barely under, but as far as getting them all where they need to be, I am utterly useless and downright incapable of doing it.  And the most frustrating part is knowing that I can't do anything about it.  I did everything I was supposed to do to avoid this situation except for getting sick (another thing out of my control) and I still wound up with this lovely diagnosis.  It's a pain in the buns.
photo from
As far as this last appointment with the doctor goes, everything except my diabetes looks good.  Baby girl's heart rate was around 137 and I was even measuring on schedule.  Which is funny since I've been measuring two weeks ahead every appointment.  She's still moving and shaking like a pro.  She had a very active night yesterday evening.  I thought she must have been practicing her breakdancing moves or helping Mommy kick some zombie booty as I played Call of Duty with some friends.  As I type she is enjoying a round of hiccups.
photo from
Little peanut is supposed to weigh in at around 3.3 lbs now (try carrying four navel oranges) according to  I suspect she's bigger than that and will hopefully get an ultrasound sooner than 36 weeks to see how she's doing.  She is also supposed to measure 16 inches!  And believe it or not, she's heading into a growth spurt. (Pause for an "Oh Lord, help me" moment... -deep breath- okay)  She's putting on fat and plumping up now in preparation for her big arrival.  And she can move her head from side to side. also talks about how she is probably moving a lot more now.  DUH!

With little peanut doing well, I can't wait for her to get here.  I know I shouldn't wish this, but anytime she wants to make her big appearance, it is fine with me!  The earlier the better!  I know that I'll be having a good team of doctors to take care of her and me if there are any complications. I guess I just feel confident that we can handle it if she comes early.  And with the steroid shot we got a month ago, her lungs should be looking good and strong.  All signs point to the fact that she's incredibly healthy.  So whenever the Lord wants her to come into the world, I'll be ready!
Speaking of ready, we already have the car seat installed into our backseat.  We're slowly checking off the pre-labor checklist one by one.  With most of her 0-3mo clothes washed and ready to go, I've got a few more things to do before I'm completely ready for her to come home.  We started packing our hospital bag and bought a birthing ball (which is so fun to sit on).  Hopefully, we'll have all of our things pack and waiting by the end of week 33.  According to our Motherhood Series teacher, we should have it packed by week 32.  Oh well, we're doing our best.
Symptoms that popped up this week:  Groin pain.  Lots of it.  I believe the technical term is something long and drawn out like Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction.  Mainly it means that instead of my hips widening the correct amount, they went too far and now they are painful.  Sounds fun doesn't it?  Not.  Anyway, I'll go over my symptoms with the doctor on Tuesday and see if this is actually what's causing the pain or not.  But I'm pretty sure it is.  Another symptom:  Rib pain.  This is from my lovely Lil Peanut jabbing her feet, hands, or head against or under my ribs.  It happens mainly on the right side for me.  Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it except smile and think, "Oh good, she's wedged herself up there again."
photo from
Did I mention that I'm a-okay with her coming anytime?! ;)
Until next week!

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