
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bump Day 24 weeks

Yesterday we had a OBGYN visit to check on Little Miss.  Everything looked good.  We had another ultrasound to get a better picture of the four chamber heart and she was weighed again.  It was really neat to see her suck her thumb and open her mouth like she was chatting away.  Of course, she had to be a typical Daddy's girl and give the ultrasound tech a hard time.  She was literally covering up her face with both hands for a while.  And she was very, very, very active again this ultrasound.
photo from
This is not our baby girl, but shows you what we saw today.

Her heart rate was around 140 which is lower than the last few times, but they said that's fine.  And she seems to prefer being breach.  Which isn't exactly a good thing, but the girl knows what she likes, right?  We saw all fingers and toes and even saw the tooth buds that are forming in her mouth.
photo from

A month ago, she weighed around 15 ounces.  Today she astonished everyone at a whopping 1 lb 12 oz!  She is in the 70% percentile for weight and growth.  According to she should have gained a little over 4 ounces in the last week putting her just over a pound and about the length of an ear of corn.  But I guess my body likes to grow 'em big and strong.  We'll have to see.  She still is pretty lean but her figure is filling out steadily.
photo from says her brain (which we also saw on the ultrasound) is growing quickly and her taste buds are continuing to develop.  Now, if I am eating something sweet or really tasty, the little peanut likes to kick up a storm.  It's as if she's saying, "Mmmmmm... more please!"  Her lungs are developing branches of the respiratory tree and she's practicing inhaling and exhaling often.  Apparently she's also learning to yawn. :)  While at the doctor's office, we got to see her yawn twice as we were watching.
Baby girl's face.

As far as symptoms for Mommy is concerned, round ligament pain and occasional soreness have slowed me down some days.  My uterus is around the size of a soccer ball now and has moved up above my belly button.  They measured 25 inches today.  The peanut doesn't seem to care about moving anywhere though as she has continuously jabbed me in the pelvic area the whole week.  She seems to be content sitting low and tumbling on my bladder.
photo from

Next appointment I will be taking the glucose screening test.  Although my friend apparently took something home to drink I will be chilling at the doctor's office for an hour while my body (hopefully) processes all that sugary orange or lemon-lime flavored syrup.  I am really hoping I pass with flying colors for a number of reasons, but if not, I'll be happy that we have a heads up and can start to change my diet to combat it.  I also get to look forward to another shot to prevent my body from developing antibodies again the little peanut.  Just in case she decides to be a O+ baby and not an O-.

Until next week!

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