
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Saturday Six

This past week we got a lot of new presents and surprises for the baby.  So, I'm mainly going to blog about the goodies we got and the fun time we had of putting things together.

1. Stroll, Stroll, Stroll...
We received our stroller and car seat bundle in the mail and we instantaneously wanted to assemble it.  Not only because we were so excited to open them up and try them out, but also because the box was huge and took up a quarter of our living room.  Now, I'm not telling you what to get, but after researching and getting some recommendations from friends we decided on Chicco's KeyFit 30 Travel System.  Our big reason for this decision is because it was a Consumer Reports Best Buy and it allowed the baby to stay in the car seat up to 30 lbs.  Which means we potentially won't have to buy another car seat/booster seat for two years.  We liked all the positive reviews the travel system had and the only negative was that it was heavy.  But in all honesty, you place a 10+ pound baby in any car seat and it's going to get heavy.  After working together as a team, we successfully assembled the stroller and car seat in a little over an hour.  My only complaint was that the instructions were mainly pictures and very few words so it made some steps a little harder to figure out.  But we did it!

2.  Honestly Fun
After hearing such a good review from my friend Jess about this companies products, I decided that I wanted to try them for myself.  I wanted to stock up on diapers, baby soap, etc. before the little girl arrived in this world, so I knew I was either going to coupon clip for some Huggies or try a diaper subscription service.  After weighing the pros and cons of both, I decided to give the Honest Company a try.  Now, until the little girl makes her appearance, I won't be able to comment on the effectiveness on some of the products, but I can tell you that I already love the convenience, quality, and timing of the box.  Basically, the one thing that pushed it over the edge for me was to have the ability to order a box every 8 weeks.  That way, it equals out to be only $10 more per month for the higher quality and more environment friendly products than going with the traditional diapers and baby essential items.  Here are some of the things we got this month and we won't be receiving another shipment until the last week in January.  So we'll have a good supply of things before the baby is born.

3. Stormpooper
Because they know David and I are uber nerds and they are uber nerds, Josh and Lindsay got us cute onsies for our little girl.  David and I laughed out loud at the Stormpooper one!  How cute!
4.  Cute Puppy Picture of the Week
David and I had fun working together to get a good picture of our furry babies in front of our redecorated Christmas Tree (see below).

5.  Oh Christmas Tree!
So we had our tree all decorated and ready to go, then the fuses for some of the lights started to go out.  So we decided to bite the bullet and purchase new LED lights for the tree.  This meant a cheaper Christmas power bill and less heat being admitted from the tree which were both good things.  It also meant $70 in lights and having to undecorate and redecorate our entire tree.  But after everything was said and done I think it looks really good.

6.  Our Fan Fixer:
My manly Man was a master electrician and installer when we finally bit the bullet and purchased a new ceiling fan for our guest bedroom.  It looks very similar to the old one, but unlike the last one, this fan's fan motor actually works!  It'll be nice to finally take the box fan out of the room and use the ceiling fan for it's main purpose.  It took us around two hours, but we slowly and diligently assembled the fan.  I'm a proud guest bedroom ceiling fan Momma!


  1. Your tree is beautiful! And not to bust your bubble or anything, but there is no way you will keep your baby in that carseat until she is two. Baby girl may weigh under 30 pounds when she's that old, but she will definitely be too long for that carseat. But never fear, it is still an awesome carseat. Easy to clean (trust me after many travel poop explosions) and ours still looks practically brand new for eventual Baby No. 2. I love your pattern too. It's bright and fun!

  2. Also, I love David and all, but I want more pictures of the pregnant lady!


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